Naked neck chick question??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
My naked neck chicks have a bulge in there lower neck, It appears to be chick food in there. Is this there crop full of food that I am seeing? It does not seem to affect them they are running around like chicks do eating and drinking and pooping like everyone else. Thank you for the info.
Nobody has any of these cute little buggers?? Tell me is this just the fact that there neck is naked and you can see there crop?
I have a showgirl cockerel, but no babies yet. It sounds like it's just food though. The lack of feathers would make it more noticeable, I would think.
Yes, it is food. I have naked necks and love them. Even as adults, I can see their crops just under their feathers. No biggie. Enjoy your birds...Shay
ATTENTION: Now that I have your attention I need to say thanks to everyone here. What a great bunch of people, I apreciate your timely responses. These naked neck are so ugly there cute my son picked them out after my daughters seen a picture and were appaled. They are only 3 days old. I wish I would have ordered more now that I have seen them in the flesh. In the Flesh "naked neck" gotta love the pun.
quote on quote "nobody has these cute litter buggers?"

yes, but honestly, i want to gag everytime i see people with them. i do not have any. im a polish person.
neckringer, please post pictures!!! My daughter said no to naked necks but if I am building the coop I get to fill it.........I do need to get through my fist batch before I think too hard about a second.....
They are really a very neat looking chicken and I hear they are great with kids.

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