Name that leghorn..Cockerels or hens ?

All pullets
Yeah. Totally agreed. Also, don't base totally on comb/wattle size. Here's one of my girls.


She's about 16.5 weeks. I would've thought she was a roo, but she's been laying for about 1.5 weeks.
Really!? That would be awesome! I was told 3 pullets and one cockerel. I was starting to think 3 were cockerels and only one was a pullet. We wanted a leghorn rooster so it would be ok if one turned out to be a rooster. Just started getting scared thinking we got more cockerels than we were told.
Aww! Wow! Beautiful girl jpal. I can't believe she has such a large comb at such a young age. I love the leghorns. We have two adults that are a little over a year. They are the sweetest little things. They have large beautiful combs. That is why we got 4 more, but I don't remember how they looked at this age. I didn't recall their combs being so red this early. It was so long ago though that they were this small! Does anyone know why one of them doesn't really have a tail?

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