naming baby chicks (and telling whos who) and CATS!


8 Years
Mar 18, 2011
Chick land
How the heck do you tell them apart? We have 3 black and three yellow. The kids (my cousins) already named theres (and argue constantally about whos who). Also any ideas for names? I have one black and one yellow little girl. . Also any advice on keeping our cats away from the chicken brooder table? Our chicks live in a partially finshed (two rooms and a bathroom, then a whole lot of just basement) basement on a smallish table. So far the window pest strips seem to be working but I wanted to know if anyone has a better idea, Im really getting tired of pulling the pest strips off the cats feet.
I just say in a strong tone "PPPPPPSSSTTTTT" to the cats and they scat.

You will be able to tell them apart as they feather out. All my chicks looked the same so I had to wait until they were easier to tell apart (ex. one is taller, that one has a spot on its beak,etc)
I have to put screen over my brooder to keep my bratty house cat at bay. When she was younger she'd try to climb into the brooder with the chicks, and whenever I took them out to handle them, she always eyed them like one would eye fresh chicken nuggets.

After a firm scolding from me, she knows not to bother 'mama hen's' babies!

And, flying_babyb,
My very first batch o' chicks were ALL different breeds, for exactly the reason you posted: I was afraid I would not be able to tell them apart, especially if they were all one breed. I imagined walking out to the chicken run and saying to a small flock of RIRs, "Good morning, Rhoda! How are YOU, Rhoda? Top o' the mornin' to ya, Rhoda! 'Mornin', Rhoda. How are you this morning, Rhoda?" So I got a nice variety.

Later, I bought two Lakenvelders from a BYC member downsizing her flock, and worried about the same thing. Luckily, it turns out I CAN tell the difference! For a while the "duplicates" had to be right next to each other for me to tell 'em apart, but not any longer. I have a few duplicate breeds now.

I brood the chicks in the bathroom with the door closed. It annoyed the cats to no end, as that was where they had always had their litter box, but I moved that out of the bathroom. (They only used it in wet weather, but I guess they really hated being refused access to the bathroom, especially when I was in there for long periods of time.) And the door opens OUT, so the dogs can't nose the door open, either.
The first thing that popped into my head when we were naming them, was how old men refer to old women as hens. So we went with all "old lady" names, or more traditional names. We have an Ruth, Ruby, Alice, Dorothy, Betsy, Lucy, Ethel and more.
You don't *have* to name them, and you certainly don't have to name them immediately. Let their names come to them. Once they have personalities, it'll come to you.
When they are under two weeks we start thinking of names. When they start feathering out some we can tell apart, some we cannot. I use non-toxic paint markers to put colored dots behind the necks. Once those "feather out" they are usually big enough that if you go to dollar general ( I think thats where I got them) or Dollar tree, they have like mini zip ties that are multiple colors. I put zip ties on their legs but not tight because they grow fast. You have to keep checking them and cut them with sissors as they grow and place new ones on. Once their legs are about grown I go and purchase larger ones at the hardware store and place permenant ones on. I still have my RIR's marked because I want to use their names. This method also ensures you handle the chicks, they get used to you holding a leg and cutting a band off and placing another. Just sucks you gotta look at their feet but they are cheap to use.

Rosy has a red band, Lucky has a green, Dot has a black, Sunshine has yellow, and Blue had blue...she was tragicly killed by a dog.
This batch of chicks are all Golden comets, but it looks like one is going to be a creamy color and be different so she might not need a band. Havent thought of names for the others yet but man I better hurry they are almost 3 weeks!

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