Naughty rooster!!!


8 Years
Jul 28, 2013
Cape cod
Help!! My rooster has been being mean lately! It's not all the time but he's been charging towards me and my 10 yr old! We keep stepping towards him to show him who's boss but he is continuing to charge! How can I change this behavior? Otherwise it's bye bye Henry!
Overall, I think you need to get rid of the roo. But I'll go ahead with some other things....

when you walk toward him, what does he do? Does he yield to you? When he charges, what do you do? Does he only do it when your back is turned?

You need to be moving toward him in a calm but assertive manner. Like it never even crossed your mind he wouldn't get out of your way. Not mean, not aggressive, just that "I am the Queen and I'm above you". And then, every once in a while, just make a short charge toward him and make him run away from you, just a few feet is good. No reason, just that you're the boss. This is how my head rooster treats the lesser roosters.

But again, a child is involved and the rooster sounds like his behavior is ingrained--he's done it more than once. Get rid of him.
Hi I had a simular problem with my cream legbar,I showed him from early I was the top roo,and he respected me,then all of a sudden he went through a stage where he would always want me down by the coop with the hens all the time if I went in he would cock doodle dooooo till I came out and went down to the coop he would walk infront of me and check im following lol =\
Well it was funny until he started going after my children if they came to me or the hens or just in the garden ruffling his feathers and jumping back and forth I think he thought I was a oversized genetically modified hen =O
Well to cut a long story short we have just put the remainder of him in the cats bowl....
Thanks for your input! I've shown him since he was little that I'm boss and he's not! He just started doing this, he will put is head down and actually charge. My 10yr old stepped towards him to show him and he bounced back but then did it again! It's annoying! I tell her how no fear and do it back to him! It's not when your back is towards him, he'll just do it out of the blue!
Overall, I think you need to get rid of the roo. But I'll go ahead with some other things....

when you walk toward him, what does he do? Does he yield to you? When he charges, what do you do? Does he only do it when your back is turned? 

You need to be moving toward him in a calm but assertive manner. Like it never even crossed your mind he wouldn't get out of your way. Not mean, not aggressive, just that "I am the Queen and I'm above you". And then, every once in a while, just make a short charge toward him and make him run away from you, just a few feet is good. No reason, just that you're the boss. This is how my head rooster treats the lesser roosters. 

But again, a child is involved and the rooster sounds like his behavior is ingrained--he's done it more than once. Get rid of him. 
He will usually hang out with us and be fine! It's out of no where! So now she's all cautious around him
i have this blue copper maran roster, hes stunning; but hes mean if you challange him he will go for you chase you try to scratch you hes got 3 kids scratch my two on the back and my sisters on the face we cant walk in our own yard with out a stick for protection hes pure evil and has a death note on hise head for asap! once they go mean they dont go back :( hes so pretty but hes meaner than pretty at this point. . . sorry your roo went sour but i dont think it will get better carry a stick incase you gotta womp him!
Ugh that's awful! I'm hoping he won't go that sour! Hes a beautiful rooster too and will be friendly but ya never know when he'll turn!!! He's the black and white one! I'm wondering what kind he is???
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I think he'll be wonderful in the crockpot... If you've chased him and corrected his rudeness a couple of times, and he continues, it aint gonna work. Just my experience; 20+ year's worth. Your child needs to like chickens, not be scared of them. Mary
I think he'll be wonderful in the crockpot... If you've chased him and corrected his rudeness a couple of times, and he continues, it aint gonna work. Just my experience; 20+ year's worth. Your child needs to like chickens, not be scared of them. Mary

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