
12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
Can we all say "NAUGHTY TURKEYS!!! NAUGHTY GUINEAS!!!!!" Now lets say "STUPID ME!!!LOL " I was coming home from the PO after mailing out my quilt squares for our swap and I noticed my nargassette hen hunkered down in the corner of the field right next to our property. Then it hit me, I had seen them wandering in that general direction several times this week. I figured they were foraging. STUPID,STUPID ME!!!! LOL I have not been finding turkey eggs yet but I figured with our funkey weather that they hadnt started yet STUPID, STUPID ME!!! Then on top of that my guineas have been laying an egg here and an egg there but I hadnt found any actual nests yet.. Do we know what will be said next??? STUPID, STUPID ME!!!LOL Look what I found under that silly hen!!!! Jenn

Wow! Look at all those eggs! What will you do with them all? They're so shiny -- did you wash them?

Those turkey hens are so sneaky. Mine do a whole song-and-dance thing to pretend like "no I'm not going over there to lay an egg", then when no one's looking they run over and do the deed.

My guineas have been laying random eggs around my yard too. I'm hoping they start laying in a proper nest in the meadow somewhere. Mine aren't naught so much as a little weird.
Yes, I do plan on incubating these so that I can check fertility on the turkey eggs. I have been hatching guineas a few at a time, I think I have hatch 6 so far. There are a few that are not fertile so they are getting better. I have about 21 guineas. For turkeys I have a Narry hen, blue hen, and a red hen that could be laying. The narry and red are laying for sure and I think my blue should be if not real soon. I have a blue slate tom with them. I sure hope those are fertile!!!! I will let everyone know how they do. Now it is off to rearrange eggs to fit these all in the Jenn

Forgot to mention that I didnt wash them, it has been very wet around here lately and so they were in wet grass. I brought them in and used paper towels to wipe the dirt and grass off.
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my turkey hens have been laying for a month or longer.i think i have 2 hens on nests i know where 1 hen is sitting.
OK, with minimal rearranging I have managed to get them all in the bator. So now I currently have 3 bators totally stuffed with eggs. I have goose, duck, turkey, guinea, and chicken eggs.... I have all of the major fowl in the bator in large numbers of I do have my lyon t6 running but it wont be needed until the middle of next week. Every time I think I am slowly getting the numbers widdled down I find more I have quite collecting the goose eggs but now I dont know. They are not coming back at 100% fertile so I really dont want to sell them.. I think I will just see if the hens will sit. I have hatch 6 guineas and 6 poults over the last 3 weeks and have hatched a ton of ducklings and chicks. I want more banty ducks, I shouldnt but will!!!!LOL There really needs to be a place where we can go for this type of addiction.. REALLY!! It doesnt help that my hubby doesnt care as long as I dont hatch peacocks...LOL He is just to good of a man. Oh well, Let the hatching begin!!!! Jenn
I have a turkey nesting in an empty coal bin in the attached barn. I have two turkeys nesting in each corner of my front porch. I have one nesting in a peep house with pen. I'm watching one stash eggs along a stone fence near my back door. Some of the nests are shared, eggs building up too fast.

I haven't noticed any far away sneaking yet. Hope they keep laying right around the house where the dog can do his job and keep watch.
I like gathering their eggs and putting them in the bator so that they will keep laying. I went on an egg hunt and found 5 more turkey and 1 more guinea egg so those will go in too. Final count so far is 18 turkey and 15 guinea eggs. Any more starting tomorrow will get collected and put in in a week or 2. JEnn

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