Nearly hatching day


5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
I live in Auckland New Zealand. I have thought about, read about and researched chicken raising a lot! Finally I have eggs in the incubator, a brooder made and a coop planned and started. 8 out of the 12 eggs purchased are growing and we are day 17 today. The excitement is huge but so are the nerves. I almost feel like I have read too much. We have a mixed clutch including silkies, Orpington, araucana and a few surprises incubating. I already have plans for adding other breeds. I have a Childcare centre at my home so the preschoolers are getting a great learning experience along side me and my own children. We now wait and hope for a successful hatch. Thanks for all the advice and interesting tips I have already gained from this web site. Happy Easter.
How exciting! I'm glad you posted here so we can follow your progress. The biggest mistake that folks seem to make with hatching is that they don't keep that lid shut! It's imperative that the humidity level is maintained through hatch; don't open that lid once they start! BEST of luck to you!!

Welcome to BYC!

Good luck with the hatch! Wynette has given you some great advice. Another good tidbit to remember is open all your vents up wide at lock down. They need as much oxygen as they can get. Keep your humidity up around 65% or 70%, do not open the lid AND....when you see a pip, (the chick will poke a hole thru the shell), do not panic when it sits there and does nothing for 24+ hours. The chick is busy detaching itself from the inside of the egg and is absorbing the last of the yolk. Too many people want to get in there and dig the baby out. Don't do it! He will zip out when he is good and ready. :)

If you run into any issues, you can post questions in our Incubating and Hatching Eggs forums for help...

Good luck and keep us posted! Welcome to our flock!
Thanks for the welcome and advice. I have definitely got the importance of lockdown from all my reading. Something else to be worried about tho..... The incubator I have borrowed from a friend only seems to have one vent. She has successfully hatched chicks and so far the temp and humidity have been stable. Now I'm worried my chicks won't get enough oxygen...... Argggg it's stressful trying to be a mother hen. And Miss 10 my own little chick reminded me it's only day 16!

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