Neck growth on chicks?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 17, 2009
South Carolina
Okay - so I'm a newbie chick mama. I have 9, two week old chicks (3 leghorns, 2 RIR, 2 Production Red, and 2 Ameracauna). I just moved them yesterday from the smaller indoor brooder, into a larger brooder in the garage.

This evening I was cleaning up, feeding them, and rotating my "mama time", where I pick each one up for a short time.

Well - my 3 leghorns all have this icky knot on the right side of the lower neck! The first one I picked up has it larger than the rest, and I thought maybe it was a deformity. But then I noticed that all 3 leghorns have it.

It looks like a marble under the skin.

Any ideas???? I have NO IDEA!

If you're looking at them, the left side...

They have round the clock access to food (and boy do they love it!).

Sorry to sound to dumb...I just don't know anything but what my books have told me, and what I've read up to this point. The fact that it is on the side of the neck is what freaked me out.

If you think that was freaky, just wait until you see their first dust bath. My poor husband thought it was in its death throws. Just lurk around here and you will learn all about these strange things.

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