I have 8 week old turkey poults dropping one by one. Mixed varieties.
Purchased from local feed store who says they were vaccinated for coccidosis.
All seem spunky and healthy. One will pull away from group day 1 and be dead day 2.
Feeding unmedicated flock grower (turkey, duck).
We have chickens on property. Is a 50 yo farm we purchased 6years ago.
I did a necropsy today (my first time doing one!) and this looks like what I've seen for blackhead. Can anyone here confirm?
Purchased from local feed store who says they were vaccinated for coccidosis.
All seem spunky and healthy. One will pull away from group day 1 and be dead day 2.
Feeding unmedicated flock grower (turkey, duck).
We have chickens on property. Is a 50 yo farm we purchased 6years ago.
I did a necropsy today (my first time doing one!) and this looks like what I've seen for blackhead. Can anyone here confirm?