need advice about calming evil momma goat around the LGD puppy

Just Wingin It

6 Years
May 2, 2013
centerville texas
Obviously I don't put my pyraneese puppy with the momma goat, I have momma and 3 kids in one pen, and two bottle goats in the pen next to them. The puppy is only 8 weeks old, same size as the kids which are all about 2 months old. The kids are fine with the puppy which is the same size as they are. But momma goat is dead set on killing it through the fence.

The puppy goes with me when I feed the bottle goats and the fowl.

Any ideas on how I could go about training with Momma goat or the puppy on getting her used to the puppy's presence? She has been with adult great pyraneese where she used to live, but they did not have any small dogs.

I have time and patience, just wondering if there is anything more I could be doing to help the relationship in the future.

Thanks for your help and thoughts as always.
I really don't have any suggestions. Some goats, particularly Alpines, are more aggressive toward dogs than others. Over time your goat may become more tolerant of the dog. Increasing the amount of time the doe is near the dog may help but keep a fence between them. An agressive mama goat can injure a puppy.
The bottle baby goats hang out with the puppy every time I feed them, they get along just fine. Next month, momma goats kids will be weaned and will be in the pen with the bottle babies. Then they will be with the puppy regularly too. I think I will do slow introductions with momma after the puppy is the same size as her. (Hah, that shouldnt be too long, the puppy has doubled her size in 3 weeks) I am leash training both momma and the puppy.

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