need advice for my female pigeon


5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
My female pigeon laid a large egg this afternoon and since is unsteady on her legs and shaking, she is eating and drinking , she looks normal. I dont know what can be wrong with her
Welcome to BYC! Does she have a male pigeon with her? What breed is she?
Could you post a pic/video? If she laid a larger egg then normal then maybe she's a little weak from all the strain. What are you feeding her?
Egg laying is stressful and consumes a high amount of energy. I would try feeding her some high protein feed, or possibly providing a vitamin supplement if it worsens. I'd have her on around 21% protein while she is laying, and keep her on it if she decides to set.
calcium defiance give one human calcium tablet will be fine 16% feed is enough do not change now best way to feed a complete diet feed chicken laying pellets might check her tonight
Shes a homing pigeon, I feed her a complete mix that I get from my local pet store and I have been giving her a vitamin plus as she has recently molted, ive brought her in and put her in a large cage with a nice warm bed and her food and water she is still eating but is still shaky
Usually lack of calcium. could do layer, or dried crushed egg shells,crushed oyster shell, cuttlebone. first time laying in pigeons can leave them week n needing extra vits n mins. pet stores etc claim great feeds.. but usually are not. find a feed store for more rural folks, no TSC selling repeatedly seen feeds being bad as purina are (many many many recalls due to sick and dead pets,foras long as can remember n see getting worse consistently). CO-OPs n their brands, haven't had anything but good seeming effects on my animals so far.
I needed help with my female pigeon who laid two very large eggs and was shaky and couldnt stand. I was given lots of advice, and after having a vitamin plus, oyster shells and a calcium plus liquid, well today shes running about, she looks the picture of health. Thank you all
Good update. Keep an eye on her when she lays her next round of eggs. This can be a recurring problem for some hens.

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