Need advice on Easter Eggers and Other Breeds

Habibs Hens

Cream Legbar Keeper
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
London, UK
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Guys

i wanted to know what is the basic element in Easter Eggers

I have a lovely flock of Barnyard Mixes and i also have many Pure breeds aswell

what i wanted to do was set my British Tailed Lavender Araucana Roosters loose on the Barnyard mixes

i think i have 2 roos from a possible 3

i beleive EE are bred using theTrue Blue Egg layers [Araucana and Ameraucanas]

so if i was to do what i suggested would i get EEs and also what ratio of EE, Barnyard and weird mix would i get

The way I read this, you have two pureblooded Araucana roosters. Them being pure Araucana is real important to what I’m going to say.

First, Easter Eggers are simply chickens that should have the blue egg gene. There is no other criteria other than the blue egg gene. By the way, the Easter Eggers were not developed from the Ameraucana or Araucana. Just the opposite. The Ameraucana and Araucana were developed from blue egg laying chickens from South America. The Easter Egger came first. But since the Ameraucana and Araucana have the blue egg gene, you can use them to make Easter Eggers.

There is a specific pair of genes that determines the base color of an egg. That base color is either blue or white. Blue is dominant, so if just one of the two genes is blue instead of white, the egg will be based blue. But there are several different genes that determine the shade of brown. If the hen does not put any brown on the egg, it will be the base color, either blue or white. If she puts brown on a white egg, the egg will be brown. If she puts brown on a blue egg, the egg will be green. The exact shade of brown or green will depend on what shade of brown the hen puts on it.

Your true Araucana roosters should be pure for the blue egg gene. That means he will have two genes and they will both be blue. So he will give a blue gene to all his offspring. He also should not contribute any brown since a true Araucana will lay a blue egg, not a green egg.

So all his offspring will have a blue gene and get no brown from him. The final color of eggs his offspring lays will be determined by the hen. If the hen lays a white egg, the offspring will lay blue eggs since the mother does not contribute any brown. If the hen lays a brown egg, then the offspring will lay a green egg because the mother did contribute some brown.
The way I read this, you have two pureblooded Araucana roosters. Them being pure Araucana is real important to what I’m going to say.
First, Easter Eggers are simply chickens that should have the blue egg gene. There is no other criteria other than the blue egg gene. By the way, the Easter Eggers were not developed from the Ameraucana or Araucana. Just the opposite. The Ameraucana and Araucana were developed from blue egg laying chickens from South America. The Easter Egger came first. But since the Ameraucana and Araucana have the blue egg gene, you can use them to make Easter Eggers.
There is a specific pair of genes that determines the base color of an egg. That base color is either blue or white. Blue is dominant, so if just one of the two genes is blue instead of white, the egg will be based blue. But there are several different genes that determine the shade of brown. If the hen does not put any brown on the egg, it will be the base color, either blue or white. If she puts brown on a white egg, the egg will be brown. If she puts brown on a blue egg, the egg will be green. The exact shade of brown or green will depend on what shade of brown the hen puts on it.
Your true Araucana roosters should be pure for the blue egg gene. That means he will have two genes and they will both be blue. So he will give a blue gene to all his offspring. He also should not contribute any brown since a true Araucana will lay a blue egg, not a green egg.
So all his offspring will have a blue gene and get no brown from him. The final color of eggs his offspring lays will be determined by the hen. If the hen lays a white egg, the offspring will lay blue eggs since the mother does not contribute any brown. If the hen lays a brown egg, then the offspring will lay a green egg because the mother did contribute some brown.

thanks for that comprihensive answer

i have read loads on the Araucana chiken and undertsand it was bred from 2 chicken to get this recognised breed today

mine are pure bred Araucana purchased from Reputable Breeders

i have learnt alot about egg colour aswell and its not so much the gree or olive egg i was after but just wanted to see if i can get a bunch of EEs as i have the ingredients to breed them

here in UK EEs are not that much sort after but i was hoping to change that a little bit

you answered my 2 main question of breeding with barnyard mixes being ok and will be doing that with the adition of my pullet lav arucana for a few purebred arucanas aswell and also the ratio of chicks and egg colour

which is all adding up

my hens lay brown eggs so i should get green eggers with one leghorn resulting a light blue egg and i may just add my marans pullet in there aswell to give olive eggers too


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