Need HELP Fast!! New Chick Oozing green goo. BLUE ORP


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
Longmont, CO
I had trouble hatching out some blue orps this week and one of them is starting to do really well. Her eye had goo that glued it shut, and I took care of that this morning, so she could see out of both eyes. Well, I was trying to clean her up a little and noticed that her whole bum was pasted up. I took her in and was rincing the poo off and it's a mess. Well her navel hadn't healed really well and the more poop I cleaned off then it started to bleed a little, I was very careful, but then she started oozing green goo. I'm assumeing from her yoke sac. What do I do!! Need help fast!!
I'll try anything. This little bugger is blue. I don't want to lose her. But I just couldn't leave all that poop caked in there. It still has some, but I had to stop.
Sounds like maybe the drainage was backing up....maybe now since it's open it will improve. Maybe a little neosporin? I don't know what to tell you otherwise.

When you get a chance check your pm's...
LC...check your pms.

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