Need help my chickens are skinny

Oh, and welcome to backyard chickens!
We started out with skinny but added new grains like winter wheat, hen scratch and stopped giving the large laying food and went with crumbles and we also give black sunflower seeds. They lay like crazy and are so heavy sometimes they fall trying to get up to their beds and poor things make a big sound . I hate that . we need to fix it so they won't fall. but just keeping food in front of them all day and we also give electrolytes in their water. if they look sick , they have antibiotics for like a five day treatment. but are they young? It may just take a little time if they are healthy. They start out kind of puny looking at first.
Hope all is well. This is a good place to learn too.
I'm still learning.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Exactly how thin are they? Do they have any other symptoms of anything...pale comb, diarrhea, water bellies, are they eating and drinking, active as they should be, do they have mites, have you wormed them recently?

You can also post this in our emergency section for more help with this...

Give them a once over to see if you can see anything else that might be wrong with them and maybe we can come to some conclusions. :)
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Glad you joined us!

How skinny are your chickens? Photos might help. It is normal for chickens to be a little bony, especially if they are in high production. If they're skin and bones, though, then there is definitely a problem.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X4, give some more information, pictures and how old and what breed they are, what you are feeding them etc.

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