Need Help with Breed/Gender


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 3, 2014
Hi, need help iding breed and/or gender in eight 8.5 week old chicks. They are all from Murray McMurray Hatchery. I got them from the petting zoo my FFA Chapter has at the County Fair every year. My Advisor has no idea what variety he ordered. He didn't care at the time. I'll post three now then put the rest up later because I should be in bed.
Gender and breed conformation-
Pepper A.K.A. Ms.(maybe Mr.) Sass silver laced polish:

No Name I am thinking Dark Brahma:

Snowball presumed White Cochin:

Sass looks like a Silver Laced Polish and I'm thinking cockerel. No Name is a Dark Brahma, cockerel. I'm thinking that Snowball is a Splash Cochin pullet.
Thank You!
Here's the rest-

Rosie (I think Easter egger but she is a lot bigger than the others):

for size comparision-

Buttercup(I'm thinking Buttercup):

Munchkin (probably Araucana mix- he used to have no butt):

Thumbelina: Silver Phoenix, or possibly an off-colored Silver Duckwing Old English Game (they should have whiteish legs, but she has slate legs). Pullet.
Rosie: Easter Egger cockerel.
Buttercup: Not a Sicilian Buttercup, since they have buttercup combs, not rose combs (which she has). Looks like a Golden Penciled Hamburg cockerel.
Munchkin: Easter Egger cockerel.
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most important part my favs- Thumblina and Snowball(plus Mr. Sass but 2/3) are Girls! Happy Dance! Question- what clued you into Buttercup's sexuality? I want to learn:)
most important part my favs- Thumblina and Snowball(plus Mr. Sass but 2/3) are Girls! Happy Dance! Question- what clued you into Buttercup's sexuality? I want to learn:)
The reason I think Buttercup is a rooster is due to "her" large, red comb at this age. Only roosters have such large rosecombs at this age--hens take much longer to get a comb of the same size, if ever.

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