need help with Sons' home work math people please

I will write it the way it is on the paper

a queen termite is drawn above the ruler at the bottom of the page. It is 5 millimeters long.

1. How many termites would fit on:

a. 1 centimeter? ________ I said 2 b. 5 centimeters? ____________ I said 10

c. 10 centimeters? __________ I said 20 d. 50 centimeters? ______________ I said 100

e. 1 meterstick? ______________ I done know f. 3 metersticks ______________ I don't know

2. What would be the length of a chain of 60 termites?

a. ___________ centimeters b. ________________ meters c. ____________ millimeter

00000 this is the termite it is 5 millimeters long
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
cm 1 2 3 4

Does that help????? And thank you so much.

It would be 600 in three metersticks.

1. a) 2 b)10 c)20 d)100 e)200 f)600
2. a) 30 b)0.3 c) 300

10 mm in a cent. There's 100 centimeters in a meter(meterstick).

Sorry, I'm not much of a math teacher.
Yes your answers are right! In Australia we've used the metric system for years now, I grew up using it, But when it comes to feet and inches I have no clue lol
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Yes you are right, a) 2 termites can fit on 1 centimeter. b), c)& d) correct again.
Now a meter has 1,000mm & 100cm so to come up with the answer to e) you just divide 1,000 by 5 (termite is 5 mm long) or you can double the amount of centimeters in a meter since the termite = 1/2 of a centimeter.
A metter stick is just like a yard stick but it is longer (because a meter is longer) and it is divided into metric measurements instead of inches.
You can find them at any teaching supply store and at many office supply stores.
I know it is confusing trying to convert but DON'T! Buy the meter stick and you'll see how much easier it all the sudden gets! I taught this for years and it continues to frustrate me that teachers etc. are still trying to teach us to convert from the inches/lb system to metric when it is much easier to just use metric period! Don't tell kids to weigh themselves on a lb scale and then convert! Just get a liter scale and let them read the numbers.
The metric system is really much more efficient than the inch/lb system because everything is in increments of 10. All other developed countries use the metric system and in this global economy you can bet your child will be using it too by the time they get into the work force. Again please don't try to convert, just get a metric ruler.

Hope I helped more than preached! I'm just trying to give you info to help your little one see metrics in a positive light.

If you have any future questions feel free to pm or e-mail me.
BTW I was a math and science teacher for several years in CA.
Do ya get extra credit if you tell them how many inches, feet, or yards long the groups of those little boogers are? A meter is 39 inches, if you want to work out the conversions.... and there are 2.54 cm in an inch.

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