Need help with water leakage sealing ideas


7 Years
The coop I built is on a concrete slab. You can see the base is a 2x12 on edge, and originally I simply caulked it at the bottom where it meets the concrete. But now 2 years later the coop has settled and it's leaking along a whole 8' section and other smaller spots. I pulled out the caulk on the 8' section since I can't put new caulk on top of old. Then off course we got heavy rain 😖. I'm wondering if anyone's got any other ideas about waterproofing? Last year I used a concrete grinder and made a ditch in front of the coop to re-direct the water and that helped alot.
But I'm at a loss. The only idea I have is to pull out all the old caulk and apply new. Which I can do. But I wanted to see if anyone has any other suggestions. I've thought myself into madness over this.
Oh, and the wood's gotten wet and I'll have to seal it off over that. I just hope it'll dry out from the inside.


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Do you have a TV? Do you watch it?
Flex seal comes in spray can, liquid, tape and now putty gel.
I have a light weight powder coated aluminum panel roof. The panels seams join at 90° and knuckle lock when laid flat. Some Seams were leaking. Flex seal spray can to the rescue!
It's probably not possible to retrofit, but for those reading this thread and considering building on a concrete slab, there is a gasket made to go between the concrete and the sill plate.

You might check into products made for stopping basement leaks.
It's probably not possible to retrofit, but for those reading this thread and considering building on a concrete slab, there is a gasket made to go between the concrete and the sill plate.

You might check into products made for stopping basement leaks.
Gray butyl type foundation mastic comes in tubes for caulk gun or tape.
Or flex seal. That is what off the TV I used in a spray can. I'm a doofus.
Hilarious TV comment. Who the hell has TV anymore?? Netflix and Amazon Prime and maybe HBO if I'm willing to pony up. So no, the only way I know about flex seal is by wandering around Home Depot and spying it. I was actually looking at that caulk in a roll the other day. I purchased some rubber tubing used for windows and doors and stuffed it down in the gap as an emergency. But I was looking at that sticky caulk and thought It has potential. I opened up the box 🤫 and fiddled with it but I don't think I could pull those beads apart without messing up the whole roll. It might not matter though. All I'm looking to do is fill the gap, not make it pretty. Well, I don't want to make it hideous either.
Many minutes later....
So I just did some research on the flex seal product and I'm thinking the flex shot is the best formula for my situation. I could make a real mess with the wrong stuff. I checked some stores online and Home Depot doesn't carry it but Walmart and CVS do. Go figure. Some of their other products look really interesting and I had no idea this stuff existed. I actually do have some of the tape🙄 but I didn't know they made other products. And I would never have thought to even think about using the tape which is stupid because I've been thinking about a million other things like that. Talk about being a doofus.
So here's the incredible thing. I have been struggling with this issue for about a year. I get it nailed down then I get another leak. I have literally been rolling it around in my own brain and I throw it up on here and get an answer within hours. You guys are amazing and I can't thank you enough.
I have PT 2x4s on the concrete sill, with the rolled foam barrier between (which is really to control air passage, NOT water, and provide a capillary break between the concrete and the wood). During rains while I built, the foam actually helped wick moisture under the sill plates. Used house wrap on the framing, added roll vinyl flashing around the whole perimeter before installing the cladding to direct water away from the foundation.

As a retrofit, unless you could remove the bottom layer and install something under it to divert water away, your choices are very limited. I'd go with the grey butyl sealant, much more economical than the TV stuff for long distances. Buy a case.

If you REALLY want to do some work, you could cut another channel in the concrete, right up against the building, remove the bottom cladding, install Z flashing, seal, then reinstall the bottom cladding. That how additions are done correctly when there's an existing concrete slab. But its a hell of a lot of work. I'd not do it for a hen house, even one as nice as yours. Similar to this:


/edit its crude, and will need periodic maintenance, but you could also use the peel and stick butyl flashing tape, though I have ZERO experience with using that in close contact with livestock. The way chickens explore their world with their beaks, honestly, I'm hesitant to even mention the possibility.
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Do you have a TV? Do you watch it?
Flex seal comes in spray can, liquid, tape and now putty gel.
I have a light weight powder coated aluminum panel roof. The panels seams join at 90° and knuckle lock when laid flat. Some Seams were leaking. Flex seal spray can to the rescue!
You win the prize for being the funniest and most enthusiastic poster. Here's how it went.
I used flexshot after pulling out the old rubberized caulk and it works like a charm. It's pretty uneven between the bottom of the coop and the concrete so I just squished in extra where the gap was wider. a few days later we had a slamming down rain like we do here and there were only little pinholes that I needed to fill more. Try to imagine how after more than a year of walking in after a rain and seeing soaking wet litter after trying a million different things, the change when I walked into the coop and it was dry. I almost cried. Now that I know it works I can go around and just spot apply where water seeps in. This stuff is incredible and changed my life! No kidding!
And.....It works on all kinds of stuff. And it comes in all kinds of formulas. Like spray paint. And liquid. I'm stocking up and flexsealing everything I own🤪
Big hugs from Ruskin Florida ‼️‼️‼️‼️

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