
15 Years
Mar 15, 2009
I have heard of Blue Cuckoo Marans here and there but can't seem to find much info when searching the site. Can anybody share anything about them or where to find a reputable breeder.

Blue Cuckoo Marans, as in Blue Silver or Blue Golden Marans, are not a recognised colour anywhere in the world.
Do people breed them for hobby-or when I see Blue and Cuckoo together are they just advertising Blue Marans and also regular Cuckoo Marans? I think there's an auction up right now. I've also seen them on Craigslist before. Just wondering.
Maybe someone bred their Cuckoo Marans rooster to a blue Marans hen. That would give you all barred chicks, at least they'd have barring to some degree. Marans do come in the blue, black, splash variety. You'd just introduce barring with the Cuckoo variety, much like I do when I hatch eggs from my BR rooster over BBS Ameraucana hens.
You can breed blue to cuckoo and the blue will affect the black part of the you can end up with blue cuckoo. Just a blue bird with barring. Like Cynthia said, if you bred a cuckoo rooster to blue hens you'd get all barred birds (breed a blue rooster to barred hens & you'd get solid blacks & blues as well as barred blacks & blues, 'cause the barring gene is sex-linked & roosters can carry 2 copies--which is why the barred rooster over the solid hens would give you all barred birds). It would be like breeding black x blue, so you would end up with 50% black and 50% blue offspring--just in this case, they would be black barred (cuckoo) and blue barred (blue cuckoo). Of course, the blue still works like blue, so it won't breed true. breed blue cuckoo to blue cuckoo and you'd get black, blue, & splash cuckoo. I suppose you could set up a pen with a splash cuckoo over regular cuckoo hens & get 100% blue cuckoo offspring.
I'd really love a few blue cuckoo hens. Don't really have the space or funds to set up a new pen though. My husband just spent a fortune on a new coop (assembled display storage building from Lowe's) and fence. He's good to me-but he sure HATES building fences!

Does anybody know of anyone who breeds for this?
There was someone I found who claimed to have Blue Cuckoos, called them "Bleus" I think.
I honestly wouldn't trust such a color until YEARS later when it is improved to a good standard.

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