Need more info-our arucana hens seem to be loosing feathers-why?


10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
We live in a northern state and it's been brutally cold, we have heat lamps we use in their coop when it's bitter cold, their hen pen is inside a very old barn, they have a window that lets in light and during the day we let them loose. Do you know why they are loosing feathers at this time of year? Haven't notice any lice, but not ruling it out.
My Ameraucanas go through a partial moult every winter. Lack of sunshine(vitamin D). They lose the feathers on their backs; most continue to lay through it.
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More than likely a molt. But check for lice and mites. First year layers seem to lay whiler molting but the older hens tend to stop.
Make sure they get extra protien to grow new feathers.
Thanks all for your response. Our hens are laying real well right now too. They usually like the warmer weather, but have surprised us this year with an excellent bounty of eggs.

We sell our eggs to our local creamery and they seem to be very poplular.

We have Ameraucana's, a few Black Sex Links and a couple Red Sex Links. We only have laying hens, we enjoy them very much. We have about 75 to 80 chickens.

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