need opinions on how many roosters to keep


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
middle Tennessee
I thought I had 15 pullets and 7 roosters and I gave 5 roosters away yesterday. Including one that was a serious pain in the behind! YAY!
So I would have kept 2. This morning however when I went to open up the door for them there were THREE roosters all staring at me! Either they are actually giant single celled organisms that can divide themselves at will or I had miscounted.

So here I am now with 14 pullets and 3 roosters. I am thinking about giving 2 away and keeping 1. Are there any good reasons to keep 2 roosters? I thought I'd ask you guys before giving the two away and leaving myself with only 1.

I will guarantee you that if you give two roosters away and keep only one, that the next morning you will have no roosters.
Always keep a backup, it's not that much trouble and then you won't have to go looking for a replacement.
This past spring I was given 5 top exhibition quality breeders contact info to call for either eggs/chicks/birds, and 3 outta 5 were down to either one or no Roos/cockerels. The one BO breeder who had one Roo said, he never let this happen again. I say get one more cockerel back and keep 3. LOLOL
Thanks guys! I guess I will keep all 3 then since I have plenty of room. I was worried about them fighting but I can cross that bridge later. Plus they're gorgeous Silver Spangled Hamburgs and I don't see too many of those around these parts so it would be hard to replace them.

LOL I have 9 roosters and 9 hens mine are okay together as long as they have a big enough space any way. Their is some scuffles but Buzz my bossy roo separates any scuffles.

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