Need roosters in SE Michigan


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 18, 2008
Hi, I am new to this forum, and am a small hobby breeder in Mi. This fall and winter I am looking for BLR Wyandotte, Partridge Brahma and Light Brahma pairs or roosters. If anyone has some young birds they are sorting through, I offer a good home.
I have some BLRW cockerals. I have a group of chicks now that are 2 1/2 weeks old, looks like several cockerals in there. I have eggs in the incubator and I have a rooster that is about 7 months old that I am considering letting go as I don't need him right now. He is gorgeous and very mellow. Send me a PM if you are interested.
Unfortunately no pullets available yet. I keep getting so many roosters!!! This last batch of 5 looks like 3-4 roosters and one pullet. UGH!! I only have one girl laying so far, the other two should be any day and the rest are too young. By spring I will hopefully be in a much better position hen wise and be able to offer more.
Hi Vicki,
I would be interested in either roosters, pm sent.

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