
9 Years
Apr 22, 2015
Reinholds, PA
I have 16 laying hens right now. Due to being cramped for about 2 months with 2 roosters because I have 2 other hens that went broody on me and I let have chick's and only left 3 nesting boxes.
During that time a way bigger coop was being built and they are in it for over a week now.
My problem is that due to those circumstances the hens started laying around our land like in the window wells for instance. A few times I found them just laying randomly in the yard but we live on six acres plus neighboring woods.
I let them out of the coop at dawn but they have to stay in their run until around noon because last summer I had trouble with them laying in the woods but their not going down there so much anymore. After noon I let them free range until dusk.
Can somebody please give me any ideas or suggestions to get these girls laying all back in the coop again short of not letting them free range until much later in the day and I don't want to have to do that.
Is it possible to keep them in the coop until noon a few days in a row?
I would also do as old hen suggests and put a few ceramic eggs in the nest.

What size are your nests? What breeds are your hens? Sometimes the nests are to big or to small for them to feel comfortable.
You could try fake ceramic eggs to show them the nestboxes are safe.

Thank you but won't the eggs that are in there from the girls that do lady in there do that too ? Some do lay in the coop is probably 3-4 girls that don't or even whatever his their fancy that day I think
Thank you but won't the eggs that are in there from the girls that do lady in there do that too ? Some do lay in the coop is probably 3-4 girls that don't or even whatever his their fancy that day I think

That do lay in the nesting boxes. Sorry spell check. There are 12 nesting boxes now
Thank you but won't the eggs that are in there from the girls that do lady in there do that too ? Some do lay in the coop is probably 3-4 girls that don't or even whatever his their fancy that day I think
Do you have enough boxes? You are correct the fake eggs won't work any better than real eggs. You may have to lock them up longer, but even than some get goofy ideas and as you said, follow their fancy.
Is it possible to keep them in the coop until noon a few days in a row?
I would also do as old hen suggests and put a few ceramic eggs in the nest.

What size are your nests? What breeds are your hens? Sometimes the nests are to big or to small for them to feel comfortable.

I have quite a few breeds the"normal"size I guess you could say ha ha some California greys , buff orpingtons , RIR, Americana , speckled Sussex , golden laced Wyandotte, etc., and some mixed from hatching from my flock.
I'm not sure the size of the nesting boxes but I'm pretty sure I got the measurements of a blue print of a coop design on here. I know that doesn't mean is right for my chickens. Let me see if I can upload a pic of them my honey built them a great new coop


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You may just need to give them time to adjust to the new coop. I might still put fake eggs in a few boxes so there are always eggs in the boxes when hens go looking.

Ok Thanks. I will pick some up at the feed mill this weekend. Even in the coop they lay where they feel like lol

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