Need to rehome 11 Chicago SW suburb chickens ASAP!


5 Years
Sep 19, 2014
Hi all!

My family and I are moving 9/30 and need to rehome our 11 girls before then. Our previous re-home fell through! They do not need to all stay together, they would be ok to break up a little. We are heartbroken over having to give them up!!

Our flock includes:

3 Rhode Island Reds
2 Barred Rocks
2 Golden Laced Wyandottes
3 White Rocks
1 Lavender Orpington

The RIR, BR, and GLW are 1 year old, the WR & LO hatched this Spring (5/20). The four little ones are not laying yet, but I would expect soon!

They have all been fed an organic, no soy feed from birth, supplemented with organic scratch and backyard grazing. We have never had mites or any other diseases.

Anyhow, just hoping to place them in good homes. I have no idea how this works, but we are desperate as we only have a week! They are available for immediate pickup.

Thanks for any consideration/spreading of the word!
I also have one barred rock hen, 4+ years old, no longer laying. I'm in Lake Villa area, zip code 60046, 5 miles into Illinois,
I would live to have them as well! And would you ship them? Awesome chicken pets loving home! Thanks please respond!
Hi @Okie Chicken & @bobbie jo! I am sorry for my late response, we were moving and I was fortunate enough to rehome my girls together, so I did not check the thread again. I apologize and thanks for your interest! Take care!

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