Needle felted chick


6 Years
Aug 13, 2014
Portland, Oregon
I'm a needlefelter and have been doing it for several years, but have never felted on a wire armature until this week. I'm taking an armature class. One of my first projects was this little chick. I just made her with core wool, so I'm not sure what breed she is but I think she turned out cute for a tutorial chick. Her toes and legs are too fat and uneven and her cheeks are too fat, but I'm in love with her. Her body and legs are wire so she can be posed.

She's a bit larger than life sized.

Very cute!
Looks like a fun project!
That looks like one of our EE girls when she was a baby! She had chubby lil legs and feet as she got bigger she grew into them :lol:

I have some roving yarn that felts up when washed, I may have to try something like this with it as a project.
This is great, never heard of felting on wire forms..the only thing I ever felted was a knitted purse…washing machine was a mess, but turned out ok.

But you have real talent…makes me want to learn to do it! Thanks for sharing your art.

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