Neem oil

I've heard it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, but I'm not sure how it would do on parasites, although I'm sure it would do well. I think you can call around some Asian markets, or Indian markets.
I've heard great things about DE. Have you tried it?
I use it on my dogs and it works great, just don't like the smell. We used it on the neighbor dog, who had mange, and it worked for that too! I found it at the local health food store, was $10 for a little dropper bottle, but I still have half a bottle a year later. I had problems with advantage, and the dog groomer said Frontline works way better.
Thanks I had heard that is does smell. But poor Max is in agony he's allergic to all kinds of stuff. $10? Way cheaper than advantage. I have 3 dogs cost me over $30 last time and only lasted maybe 2 weeks.

i think I'll get calling the local health stores thanks!!
* Dogs are weird-- my Ginger just LOVES the taste of neem oil!!! She 7O# so I was giving her 23 drops of neem oil soaked into her daily biscuit. It was working VERY WELL until I started running out and cut back the dose to 16 drops. Had to give her vinegar in her drinking water, weekly baths in vinegar water, and spray the bedroom floor daily with straight vinegar until I got more. That worked just as well in some ways--kills the fleas much more directly, but the vinegar baths stung her owwies A WHOLE LOT!! Poor poochie & I was glad when we could stop that. . . . I use neem oil drops added to saline solution personally for tinnitus in my left (phone-answering) ear. Works great if I don't get lazy about it & skip days!!!
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Now do you give it internally or externally??

Sounds like both.

I think if I used vinegar on Max at this point we'd both cry.

Thank you guys sooooo much!

I'm calling health food stores right now!!

* K.- using neem only indoors & internally whereever possible was a decision I made after discovering its unique action against insects, the massive quantities that are starting to be used unfortunately rather indiscriminately, and the ramifications for BENEFICIAL insects. Sorry for the rant, but I recently discussed this very topic and some of the research w/ a local company president and their attitude on neem overuse in the enviroment kinda got under my skin in a big way. . . .
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Are you sure Advantage isn't working? Remember, it kills the fleas on the pet, but it doesn't keep new fleas from biting before killing them. When I visit my family and their dogs, it always seems like advantage quits working because their dogs have so many fleas that they keep hopping on mine and making it seem like they're infested. A bad flea season can give this illusion. I do prefer frontline, however.
I love neem for my garden but wouldn't want it on my dogs. Dawn soap works very well on fleas in between flea medications, and smells a whole lot nicer.

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