New♡ Trying to sight sex 3 day old Barred rock chicks


5 Years
Sep 30, 2014
Hello :)

I've looked at many pictures and I am having the hardest time figuring it out! Maybe someone on here can help me?! Please let me know what you guys think, it'll be greatly appreciated♡
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I wish I could help you, but I cannot tell the male and female Barred Rock chicks apart by sight with any degree of accuracy when they are that young. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in sexing your BRs.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Here is a pic of 5 day old female Barred Rock chicks...

Notice the wing feathers. If you have any that do not have as much primary wing development, it is possible they are males. (click on this pic to enlarge it)

Good luck with your BR's. Fun birds to keep! Welcome to our flock!
I've no experience with them but, was sure I had read on BYC somewhere that males have a spot on top of their heads. Also as they develop females with have dark black barring, while males will be lighter, more grayish. Wish we could just point a magic wand at them and see what it registers.
I've no experience with them but, was sure I had read on BYC somewhere that males have a spot on top of their heads. Also as they develop females with have dark black barring, while males will be lighter, more grayish. Wish we could just point a magic wand at them and see what it registers.

In Barred Rocks, both male and female chicks have the white spot on top of their heads. It's the Black Sex Links (RIR roo X BR hen) that female chicks do not have the white spot on top of their heads. Male BSL chicks look like Barred Rock (both male and female) chicks.

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