New Additions to the decor of Glenn Cottage Eggery


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
Today, my neighbor Pam brought over a "Coop Warming" gift. It is a watercolor of some Hollyhocks in bloom. She said it had been in her garage and when she saw it she knew it belonged in my coop. So... I mounted it on the inside of the entrance gate to the chicken yard.

Here are some photos.

Here with the gate open


Here with the gate shut

and here is a close up of the watercolor, it is of Hollyhocks in bloom.


I thought this photo was neat, notice there is lattice around the Hollyhocks, and see the refection of the lattice in the glass of the photo.


Today I also mounted the word "Eggs" above the nest box. I had to do a bit of modification on the letters to get them to fit in the space The "S" had to be a bit tipped, but I think it looks ok, being not quite straight..


Well off to bed now. I spend most of the evening cleaning up a "Hazmat"

problem in the kitchen, I accidently broke the florescent tube over the sink!

So... in case any of you didn't know, they contain Mercury. And it is not

good to be breathing and touching Mercury. It is all cleaned up now!!
Wow! What a nice coop! Love the painting and "EGGS" sign! My bantams need an "eggs" sign near the nesting boxes; you never know where they're going to lay!

Yuck! Mercury. Good for lightbulbs, but nothing else. OT, but...did you know that mercury is in vaccines that they give to animals, and I've even heard it's in vaccines that they give to kids/babies!
That's too cute! No really... its TOO cute

You're going to have to come decorate mine when hubby is done building it. I haven't got colors picked out, or any kind of design. I was thinking of putting a weather vane on the room but that's it.

Great job!
My friends thought I was nuts when I put a flower box on my coop. Yours is great and mine pales by comparison. Beautiful job.
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I did know they put heavy metals and other neuro-toxins in vaccines. The substances they use to make the body "react" are usually highly toxic. That could be why we have so many kids with problems, since they are giving vaccines to younger and younger children. It is very sad to see perfectly healthy babies, get a series of vaccines, and then wind up with many health and neurological/mental/emotional disorders. I did daycare for over 10 years and I cringed when newborns were given so many vaccines.

My son was one of the first to refuse the Anthax vaccine in the USAF. He was on 20/20 when he was threatened with Court Martial. It was a known fact the batch at his base was contaminated. Yet, they continued to give it. It was and still is a problem, The guys making the mandate to have every military person vaccinated "just so happen" to be benefiting financially from the sales of the vaccine! My son had planned on having a military career, until they put him in the position of disobeying a direct order, and going to prison, or having possible health problems the rest of his life. He chose to disobey the order and get an attorney.

There is a cover up of the problems with the vaccine industry. Too much is at stake financially.

We have military friends that got the "Gulf War Syndrome" and their subsequent children were "affected" in many ways. I am not a fan of most vaccines. It is a "theory" that to challenge the immune system will give immunity. It doesn't always, and the side effects can be worse than the disease in some cases.

But, that is my humble opinion. Follow the money, see who benefits from these gov't required vaccines, that you must sign a waiver to release them from the possible damnage so you have no recourse when the side effects, which are well documented, come to pass for your child.

One of my "hot buttons" as you can tell.
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Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I did know they put heavy metals and other neuro-toxins in vaccines. The substances they use to make the body "react" are usually highly toxic. That could be why we have so many kids with problems, since they are giving vaccines to younger and younger children. It is very sad to see perfectly healthy babies, get a series of vaccines, and then wind up with many health and neurological/mental/emotional disorders. I did daycare for over 10 years and I cringed when newborns were given so many vaccines.

My son was one of the first to refuse the Anthax vaccine in the USAF. He was on 20/20 when he was threatened with Court Martial. It was a known fact the batch at his base was contaminated. Yet, they continued to give it. It was and still is a problem, The guys making the mandate to have every military person vaccinated "just so happen" to be benefiting financially from the sales of the vaccine! My son had planned on having a military career, until they put him in the position of disobeying a direct order, and going to prison, or having possible health problems the rest of his life. He chose to disobey the order and get an attorney.

There is a cover up of the problems with the vaccine industry. Too much is at stake financially.

We have military friends that got the "Gulf War Syndrome" and their subsequent children were "affected" in many ways. I am not a fan of most vaccines. It is a "theory" that to challenge the immune system will give immunity. It doesn't always, and the side effects can be worse than the disease in some cases.

But, that is my humble opinion. Follow the money, see who benefits from these gov't required vaccines, that you must sign a waiver to release them from the possible damnage so you have no recourse when the side effects, which are well documented, come to pass for your child.

One of my "hot buttons" as you can tell. icons/Sad Mad/pull_hair.gif

I didn't vaccinate my son because of the terrible effects they had on my french bulldog. She was the size of a hamster when they started and then her hair fell out, then the redness and itching started and now she on prednizone almost constantly and can only eat an all-natural diet (sweet potato, rice, beef, duck -absolutely no filler!!) It's no coincedence that an all-natural diet is now suggested for lots of kids with side effects to vaccines. All the toxins overwhelm the system and then need to be flushed.

A lot of my friends don't vax either. Most are unecessary... I mean polio...there hasn't been a case in the U.S. in like twenty years!!! come on... He might get some when he goes to school but all vaccinations aren't 100% effective and the diseases are rarely fatal or cause any lasting effects. It's all about the money. Merck is trying to pump out as many vaccinations as they can come up with so they can make them "mandatory" as well (They aren't -just make you think they are) and make even more billions of dollars with their experiments... Huh, sorry one of my buttons too:)
Sorry to "butt in", but vaccines are an interest of mine, as well. Mercury was voluntarily removed from pediatric vaccines years ago. It remains as a preservative for flu shots only. Vaccines are NOT a highly profitable item for manufacturers--in fact, due to potential lawsuits, most companies were planning to stop making them (until the government intervened to help arbitrate potential lawsuits).

Vaccines provide "herd" immunity--if a large enough percentage of the population gets vaccinated, then outbreaks of potentially serious diseases are prevented. Every year, there are pockets of pertussis and measles outbreaks in areas of the country that resist vaccines. These illnesses might just be a nuisance to healthy adults, but are life-threatening to infants, elderly, and those with chronic illness.

I would urge everyone to seek out evidence-based medical data before jumping to conclusions about one of the most beneficial medical "inventions" or our time (ever wonder why we no longer have to worry about polio or smallpox outbreaks?)

BTW--I've been enjoying pictures of the "eggery"--beautiful job!

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