New at this chicken hobby!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 28, 2013
Yulee fl
hi I am new at this chicken business and have built a coop and run for my son who is excited about this new project! We have 4 chickens a Rhode Island Red, Australorp and 2 Plymouth rocks they love my son and follow him all over and when we let them out after school and he calls them by name they come running to see what treats he has for them! I went a little over the top on my coop but my son Loves that he can sit inside with them! I'll post more pics in the future

Welcome to BYC!

What a lovely little coop! Your birds look like they enjoy life and I am sure your son adores them! Very nice run for them and it is always nice to be able to sit with your birds under a covered area.

Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!
the coop is a little small but the birds all cuddle up in there and lay there eggs without any issues. only 2 r laying right now and we get 12 a week. its a pre made one but i wanted to build my own but my mother in law got that for him for christmas! i will build a bigger one in the future. i wasnt sure what i was getting into but i am liking the birds and like to see them interact with my 9 yr old! he want to show the rhode island red. i am thinking of letting him since he really isnt into sports at this time and i really think he will do pretty good.
Hi and welcome to BYC!
Is your son planning to show in organized poultry shows or through 4-H, etc?
I love that he is having so much fun with the birds - I grew up a "chicken kid" and having just gotten back into keeping them myself have thoroughly enjoyed seeing just how much joy my kids are getting from it - especially my 13 year old son. I am sure you and your boy will have a wonderful time if/when the time comes to build your upgraded coop - I still have pictures of myself and my dad building the one we needed when I convinced my family I "needed" chickens all those years ago.
Welcome to BYC - your coop and run are very attractive. You may want to consider covering the chicken wire with hardware cloth. Many predators can readily shred their way through chicken wire.
my son is planning to show in organized poultry shows the Rhode Island red is a pure breed from the Mohawk stran. the guy we got here from said she should do pretty good at his age groop. i dont care if he wins or not. i know he will really enjoy it. he is full of questions about the 4H club right now since he herd someone talking about it! he is a talker and will make a ear bleed if you allow him to talk about his chickens! he is a smart boy and really has been reading about his breeds of chickens and at this point he knows more about them than i do.

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