
Jan 9, 2022
South Carolina
We woke up to 3 little babies running around, game hen and silkie mix. The mama seems to know what she’s doing, however we are concerned whether or not we need to step in. Should we keep babies with mama seperate with chick starter and water… or let her stay out with them and do their thing? I know she has natural instinct but we want them as happy & healthy as possible. We have other chickens and goats in the pen so we are a little nervous.
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I would let her raise them, We have our hens raising our chicks currently. Just make sure none of the others try and harm them. If they do however start harming you can separate them. Is there a way you can separate them and momma together?
We woke up to 3 little babies running around, game hen and silkie mix. The mama seems to know what she’s doing, however we are concerned whether or not we need to step in. Should we keep babies & mama seperate with chick starter and water… or let her stay out with them and do their thing? I know she has natural instinct but we want them as happy & healthy as possible. We have other chickens and goats in the pen so we are a little nervous.
Leave them be. As long as everyone has enough space, there is no reason that the flock will harm their new flock members. Mom will drive off any birds she doesn't trust to be around her chicks.
If you haven't already, put the flock on All Flock, Flock Raiser or chick starter with a container or two of oyster shell on the side for active layers.

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