new babies. any thoughts on what they grow up to beome?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 28, 2010
South Florida

This is chick 1. Very vocal, affectionate, inquisitive, and clever. Our alpha hen, Maddie, doesn't like her yet but the baby seems to take it in stride.

This is chick #2. She's a couple of weeks older. Not sure what to make of people but doing okay.

They were both rescue birds from our local animal control!

This is chick 1. Very vocal, affectionate, inquisitive, and clever. Our alpha hen, Maddie, doesn't like her yet but the baby seems to take it in stride.
White Rock. She looks to be about 8 weeks old.

This is chick #2. She's a couple of weeks older. Not sure what to make of people but doing okay.

They were both rescue birds from our local animal control!
That's a barred Rock or Barred Rock mix. That could be a mature hen, or it could be a young cockerel. Need a better picture to be sure.
I agree White Rock pullet about 8 weeks to 12 weeks. And I think Barred Rock hen...not looking roo-ish to me...darker pullet pattern, not varigated enough to be mixed cockerel...although it is a possibility...just doesn't look like a mixed cockerel to me.


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