New babies!! (pics)


7 Years
Feb 15, 2012
So I got my new babies in the mail today! We have 5 welsummers, 5 EE's, and 5 GLW, and 1 packing peanut! Not sure which chick is the extra. I'm also not sure which breeds are which! Any thoughts are welcome!!!
I know! Most all of them have chipmunk stripes! The welsummers are brown and can be picked out. I guess that's what happens when you get EE's!
I know! Most all of them have chipmunk stripes! The welsummers are brown and can be picked out. I guess that's what happens when you get EE's!

I have babies with chipmunk stripes too! I don't know about the breed though for they came from a wild hen's nest by my garage.
We adopted them so we can raise them friendly in a chicken coop with our other chickens.
The last time we let the babies grow up wild with their moms, we would get chased and spurred by the roosters if we got "too close" to the hens.

Anywho, my mother thinks they could be Ameraucana chicks.
I had EEs and Speckled Sussexes with the chipmunk pattern when I ordered my chicks a few months ago. I learned quick that the SS had much more distinct chipmunk pattern than the EEs. Meaning that the differences from one color in the pattern to another were more discrete than smudged. Not sure if that makes sense. Your Welsummers and the ones I look up online look to be similar to what I saw in my SS. The one in your second post, first pic, top left, that is an EE. I would guess that the light colored one is as well based on it's cheeks.
Now I'll be grabbing all of the chicks begging them to show me their cheeks! My Hubby will think that I've lost it!!!

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