New baby barred (pics)

4-H chicken mom

15 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Oberlin, OH
My first baby barred bantam cochin popped out at 2:30pm. I can hear the others talking to it. I never got the chance to candle at day 18 to see how many were still moving because I made a goof on my days. I have a note pad I kept next to the bator to write down the times the eggs were turned. Somehow I got two days of egg turning times written down on one day and didn't realize it until I was counting to make sure Sun. was day 18 and was the last day I had to turn them. I had already turned them three times, when I realized my error and I was on day 19, not 18. I started to panic because I didn't have the humidity up yet. Today is day 20. I don't know if you can see it but the egg in the top right corner has a pip in it. I hope the others follow soon.


very cute I love cochins. I am hopefully going to be getting some eggs sometime so that I can hatch some more since I only have 2

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