New baby chicks?


7 Years
Jun 18, 2014
I have 4 hens (two silkies, one polish, and one Orpington)and I would really like a new chick to be added once the hens are full grown and laying eggs. The problem is I have no rooster to fertilize an egg. So I was wondering if I could buy a day old chicken and bring it to the flock. Would my hens take care of it or kill it? Thanks. :)
You can certainly try it. If you get the chick try to sneak it under a broody hen at night. But I would suggest getting at least two chicks. That way if the hen does not accept them you can raise them in a brooder together and they won't be as lonely. Then you can let them join the flock when they're of like size.

Another option is finding someone who sells fertilized eggs in your area and letting your hen do the work.
They would surely kill it. So sad, I know! Chickens are just so territorial. They wouldn't accept a baby like other animals might. Now, if you have a broody hen, sometimes they will take a chick, but it's very risky.

Maybe you could buy a young hen and put her with your little flock. There will probably be some pecking and carrying on, but things will probably settle down within a week or two.

If you had room for two more hens, that would be better, I think, because your established hens would have two newbies to focus on instead of just one, and the two newbies would be friends with eachother.

Hope this helps,
The law is we can only have 5 chickens. Very sad. Wish they would except the chick!
That is a bummer.

The only way you could attempt it is to have a hen go broody. Then you could try to slip one underneath her. The choice is yours, but it would probably be safest to get a pullet and slowly introduce her to your established flock.

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