new backyard chicken member!


5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
Hi there! I just got my first batch of chicks this past January. My friend hatched 9 chicks for me, and they just went outside 3 or 4 weeks ago. I actually don't totally remember what their breed is. I have two different kinds, one of them my friend was not even sure what they were, as she just had a few of them.

I signed up on here because I have a strange chicken behavior dilemma I am trying to get to the bottom of, and I find myself on here occasionally when searching for chicken related question online. Seemed like I needed to get involved with more chicken people!

Otherwise, I am a mom to two kids, I am currently going to school full-time and in my spare time, we love ot be out at the beach (we live within walking distance), gardening, playing music, and creating art.

Hope I did this whole "new member" thing right ;) Looking forward to being a part of this great online resource/community.
Welcome to BYC from Ohio! Sounds like you have a busy, full life! I think it's great to expose the kids to caring for farm animals, because they can learn where their food comes from, and it's nice for them to have a bit of responsibility and learn to be kind to animals.

Did you figure out your chicken behavior dilemma? I'd be happy to help!
I've had chickens a long time, Becca, and I have to say that collecting the eggs is just like Christmas to me each time! I get such a thrill from that. And it's nice to have friends to share your enthusiasm with.
Alright Becca,
great to have you joining the BYC flock

What is strange chicken behavior as I am at a loss on that one ..

Congratulations on bringing your children into the poultry raising
and egg collecting .....

Good luck in all your poultry ventures

Welcome to BYC!

I took a look at your thread about the strange behavior....This bird could have either hit his head and cause some brain swelling. This will cause all of this behavior. So can vitamin deficiencies cause these symptoms. So could seizures. I had a Lovebird that had seizures all her life with similar symptoms. All I can recommend is some good vitamins in the water. Especially the B vitamins, E and Selenium. These 3 will help with all of these possible diagnoses. Some apple cider vinegar in the water once or twice a week may help as well with inflammation if it is brain swelling. 1 Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per 1 gallon of water. Change and make new each time. 2 times a week is fine, plain water on alternate days.

Good luck with all of your flock! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!

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