Apr 16, 2014 #1 jbstonefly In the Brooder 6 Years May 6, 2013 21 0 22 I just got these chicks at the local farm store. Just wondering what kind they might be.
Apr 16, 2014 #2 ChickenPox Songster 8 Years Feb 2, 2011 763 37 148 Middle GA Cochin, OEGB, Seabright. My guesses!
Apr 16, 2014 #3 mrsmayo Chirping 5 Years Apr 3, 2014 243 21 73 Georgia What type if comb does the first one have? It looks like it may be a brahma
Apr 16, 2014 Thread starter #4 jbstonefly In the Brooder 6 Years May 6, 2013 21 0 22 I don't see one yet. They just got them in today so I'm guessing they are day old.
Apr 16, 2014 #5 mrsmayo Chirping 5 Years Apr 3, 2014 243 21 73 Georgia Is there any visible on the other two? I think number 1 is a brahma
Apr 16, 2014 #6 ChickenPox Songster 8 Years Feb 2, 2011 763 37 148 Middle GA I thought I saw a straight comb on #1, but if it's not.....definitely not cochin! LOL! I don't know anything about Brahmas other than they are pretty.
I thought I saw a straight comb on #1, but if it's not.....definitely not cochin! LOL! I don't know anything about Brahmas other than they are pretty.
Apr 16, 2014 Thread starter #7 jbstonefly In the Brooder 6 Years May 6, 2013 21 0 22 There is just a small, flat, fleshy spot above the beak. No bumps and it doesn't go up the head at all.
There is just a small, flat, fleshy spot above the beak. No bumps and it doesn't go up the head at all.