New "chick" joining the flock :)


7 Years
May 22, 2012
Hi all from sunny Minnesota! I just joined (was led here from The Easy Garden forum!) because I am getting my first batch of chicks in a couple of weeks. Never done this before, so I know I'll have tons of questions!

I'm getting 15 Red Rangers, and 3 egg layers (not sure what kind I'm going to get yet). We're fortunate enough to live out in the country and have just divided off the back corner of our barn as the chicken coop, and have almost everything ready for the new babies. Still need a roost and a nesting box or two but those can come later.

I plan to free range my chickens on our 6 acres, but we do have a bunch of barn cats - does anyone have experience with raising chickens & cats together?? I've heard that the chickens will be able to hold their own once big enough, but if I have to I'll build a run for them to keep the kitties away.

I'm so excited! Probably more so than my kids!!
I am in MN too
I live on a farm and have feral cats and I have noticed that the big chickens chase the cats, I have lost a few chickens but I don't know if it was the cats lots of other critters out here too. My guineas sound the alarm when there is trouble so that helps. I just make sure my chicks are in a predator proof spot until they get big enough to fend for themselves
We have a bunch of barn cats that run loose all over the area with our chickens and they do not mess with them. The chickens do not mess with the cats either unless I throw bread or something and the cats go for it and the chickens are going for it. *L* Then we have had a chicken go to peck at the cat but the cat usually just leaves it alone.
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like you have a nice flock in the future. We've got our chickens in a chicken tractor due to large number of predators in our area so don't have any experience with cats and chickens - just know that I really dislike raccoons! Enjoy your chickens!

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