New chicken mama


In the Brooder
May 17, 2017
Hi guys. I've created a post on here before but then got a message that I needed to start over because some info on my account was lost or something along those lines.
So...hi and hi again. I live in Meridian ID and am a new chicken mama - appreciate all the info, wisdom and experience represented on this site.
Only 3...struggling a bit. I got two 2-year olds that came from one flock and tried to introduce a newbie 10 month old from a local hatchery. One of the older gals relentlessly pecked at the new girl. I didn't particularly care for that older gal anyway so I returned her and replaced her with another newbie from the hatchery (also 9-10 months old) today-within 24 hours of getting rid of these other. Now the other older gal is pecking at the newest and the first newer one is also pecking (though not quite as bad). I have the two newer ones separated from the older one now (only the mesh coop wall in between them) and have food and water for each so they can get used to eachother. I'm a little nervous now though reading some horror stories of how bad it can get. Hoping they will figure it out and learn to be nice.
Hi! how many chooks do ya have? xx ;):welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:yesss:
How long does a pecking order take to establish? Is this just normal chicken stuff that will work itself out or am I right to separate them?
Also, I only have one small coop with a small roost and 3 nesting boxes. Are they ok to be cooped up in there over night or will the pecking continue after dark?


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There is a pecking order, and a way to integrate new birds with the estabished flock. It is called "The look but don't touch method," of integration. It is the kindest, gentlest way to do so.

I think you will be able to find it through the search box.

Sometimes the pecking gets worse at night.
Ok thank you. I'll look that up. Will see how it goes tonight with the newbie up in the loft. Fingers crossed.

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