Hi! My name is Linda. My boys Aiden and Wyatt got 6 baby chicks about 7 weeks ago. We have a Leghorn, Bantam, Gold Laced Wyandote, Ameraucana and an Easter Egger. At least that’s what we think we have. Mama forget to take a pic of the chicks with the name so we are kind of guessing. We love how social they are and they are fun to watch. We can’t wait for fresh eggs! We like to kayak and camp. We also have a Chihuahua Yorkie mix dog, 2 cats, and 2 fish tanks.
We think one of our Wyandotes might be a rooster. Can anyone tell if she is male or female? Thank you in advance!
We think one of our Wyandotes might be a rooster. Can anyone tell if she is male or female? Thank you in advance!