New chicken mom!


In the Brooder
May 2, 2017
Hi everyone! I am a pound new chicken mama of 19 chickens! I have 4 Isa Browns (10-12 weeks old), 5 Barred Rocks (8-10 weeks, 3 cockerels), 5 Buff Orpingtons (6-8 weeks), 3 Buff Cochins (6-8 weeks) and 3 pure Blue Ameraucana (2 weeks)! Does anyone know if there are sex indicators for Ameraucana chicks at 2 weeks? I'm hoping we will only have 1 roo out of the 3. Thanks!
Hi everyone! I am a pound new chicken mama of 19 chickens! I have 4 Isa Browns (10-12 weeks old), 5 Barred Rocks (8-10 weeks, 3 cockerels), 5 Buff Orpingtons (6-8 weeks), 3 Buff Cochins (6-8 weeks) and 3 pure Blue Ameraucana (2 weeks)! Does anyone know if there are sex indicators for Ameraucana chicks at 2 weeks? I'm hoping we will only have 1 roo out of the 3. Thanks!

Welcome!! Its hard to tell the sex of a lot of chicks at a week or two---unless they are sex-links.
Hi and welcome to BYC. I agree with PD-Riverman - maybe after 4-6 weeks you should be able tell. You can then post pics on this forum -

In the meantime, you'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre - and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area -

All the best

2 weeks is two young to sex chicks but if you post in the What breed or gender? ( forum when they are at least 6 weeks I'm sure someone will be able to help you!

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