New Chicken Owner in Central New Jersey!


5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Hello everyone!

I'm new here but have been lurking for a few days. I'm getting my first chicks at the end of this week and I'm very excited! I've ordered 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Red Stars, 1 Rhode Island Red and 1 Barred Plymouth Rock. I really wanted to get a White Silkie since my dad grew up with them but wasn't able to find a place that could ship just 1.

I live in Edison, NJ and it's been quite difficult to find supplies locally, it doesn't seem there are any feed stores in Central Jersey. I don't like to drive on the highways so that also hinders me a bit.

If anyone can let me know about any feed stores or places that sell chick/chicken food and supplies by me, I'd greatly appreciate it! Any Central Jersey/Middlesex County resources/information for Chickens would be a great help, I can't seem to find very much locally and am thinking about buying most things online which is more expensive.

Also, this isn't for quite some time but since it does eventually need to be addressed, are there any butchers or chicken processors by me?

Lastly, any local Chicken enthusiast meetups? :)

Thanks so much!

- Zaj
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very useful learning center

Silkies are such nice chickens to have around

A lot of times hard ware stores carry feed you might want to check ..
Go to "where am I, where are you," in the social forum. You can locate and post on your state thread. You may be surprised to find chicken people in your local and very possibly the white silkie. People could also tell you about any shows, clubs or meet ups in your area.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the soon to be new chicks! You will want to do some chatting with others in your state thread to find out just where they are getting all their supplies...

Many times I can't find lots of things around here in this rural area either and have to resort to ordering things on line. Stop by our learning center to here on BYC for lots of good reads on all the aspects of keeping your new flock...

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Thanks so much everyone for the warm welcome, I'll definitely check it all out!

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