New Chicken Owner


7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Hi everyone!
I just ordered 2 americaunas, 2 speckled sussex, and 2 rhode island baby chicks. I went through a longgggggg list of chickens and found those three breeds to be the best for me. I am looking for good chicken coop ideas, and have found many on this website.

I do not know very much about chickens, but I am from Arkansas, and my dream is to have a farm someday! :) But right now I'm starting out with a small backyard coop. Can somebody just give me a briefing on chickens?

I also have four dogs. I intend to not let them interact, but the coop will be outside... what do I do about that? I cannot and will not choose between chicken or dog! But I need some advice on how to handle that.

I also have many other questions and concerns, but I will wait for another time!

Thanks sooooo o much,
Hello and :welcome
How about keeping your dog indoors when you let the chickens out of the coop? If you have the chickens fenced off, with a high fence, the dogs shouldn't be a problem. I've heard of some dogs digging under the wire though, so they extend the fence for a few feet into the ground to prevent that.
I'm glad you've found the website helpful. Enjoy your chickens! :celebrate

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