New chicken owner


In the Brooder
May 10, 2015
Hi my name is Josh I'm 33 and our family just got our first chickens. Completely new at this so I have lots of questions. We have 2 barred rocks 2 Rhode Island reds and 2 Cinnamon Queens all 7 weeks old and then my wife picked up 3 Bantams a couple weeks ago I think they are about 4-5 weeks old. Can I put them in the coop with my 7 weekers.
I'd wait ,the Bantams will never catch up in size to the others. If it was the other way around Banties being older than the larger fowl, I would have given it the green light.

I think your RIR's will bully the bantams. It might be better to have a bantie coop and one for the larger breeds. Others may have different opinions to share with you.
I'd wait ,the Bantams will never catch up in size to the others.  If it was the other way around   Banties being older than the larger fowl, I would have given it the green light.

I think your RIR's will bully the bantams.  It might be better to have a bantie coop and one for the larger breeds. Others may have different opinions to share with you.
I have phantams and regular size chickens . The phantoms are going to get pecked by the bigger ones it doesn't really matter it's going to happen at some point

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