New Chickens arriving

Good morning and welcome to BYC!

It's exciting to get new chicks! What breed(s) are you getting?

This link will take you to an article in the Learning Center that's helpful when you're first starting out:

The Learning Center has a lot of good information in it, check it out if you haven't already. And if you have questions, feel free to ask, there are a lot of friendly, helpful members here.

Nice to have you join us and good luck with your new flock!
Welcome and congrats on getting your new pullets.

NorthFlChick has already given you the link for info. Since you have already prepared with research, my tip is to enjoy every minute with them. Feel free to ask questions, we're here to help.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Congratulations on your new pullets :celebrate I'm sure your very excited to be starting out on your chicken adventures and it's lovely to hear you have done lots of research. I too agree with sunflour enjoy your new babies once you get them home. I'm more than sure you will be very impressed with chicken TV. They really do have you mesmerised right from the start.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your new pullets. I hope you enjoy BYC, I am sure you will everyone here to help and very friendly :frow
Thank you very much everyone, I had in mind I was just going to get 3 goldlines but I came home with a Bluehaze a goldline and an Amber.
They are beautiful I'm a little stuck on names we have at the moment called them Bluebell ,Hazel and Olaf but I'm a little unsure (the family's input) I can't take my eyes off them, very much looking forward to spending all my time with them
Not only will you be spending most of your time with them, you will learn their language
Welcome to Backyard chickens
so I was up before the chickens this morning worried about them all night if they settled in to their new coop, so at 6 am I went out to check and they are all cuddled up on the nest boxes fast asleep, they didn't look to impressed on being woken up ha ha, I thought they would sleep on the perches, is sleeping in the nest boxes normal? they looked happy enough .
They should really be on the perch. Sleeping in nest boxes is a habit you will need to get them out of. Pooping in the nest boxes is not hygienic for them or eggs when they start laying. When they poop in the boxes it can't easily get stuck to them which is not good. On the roost the poop falls away from them. I too had the same issue last night. I put a new coop in for one of my adult bird groups and they went in the nest box because it's new, I'm going to make a board today to block the nest box off tonight. Blocking it off an hour or so before bed time will stop them getting in. You may have to put your pullets on the roost for a few days so they know what to do. Also if your roost is too high they struggle to get on at first just make sure it's not too high.

This is nothing to worry about too much as your birds are young and new to your coop they just need a little help to get things right, but it's always best to get them out this behaviour as soon as you can.

Good luck.

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