Hi! I got 3 new chickens, 2 hens and a roo. I don't know their ages, but they seem to be full grown. Both hens lay. They appear to be Easter eggers. The birds themselves dont stink but their poop is awful. What is up with this?
Around other peoples' chicken areas, i get a chicken headache. My coop and run do not give me a headache. I do use sweet pdz in my coop.
These new birds' poop does give me a headache. Gaaah. It smells like diarrhea. One bird does have diarrhea (hen2) and i figured it was her poop that smelled so awful. But this morning i made a holding pen for them because they're quarantined still. It's a mini tractor, basically.
So i brought the roo and hen1 out to the pen and went back for hen 2. I was getting ready to put her in the pen and i smelled it.
I felt like puking. So instead of putting her in the run, i decided I'd better clean her up. I checked her out, and she seemed fine. I looked in the run and one of the other two had just gone to the bathroom. So i have diarrhea-bird and smelly-bird.
I don't have sweet pdz for their living situation. The store has no stock.
How long does it take for a new diet to make stenches change?
Is worms a probability?
Is there something in particular that i can give them to eat that will improve the smell? Activated Charcoal? Chlorophyll powder? Something.
They seem to have been basically neglected wherever they lived
Around other peoples' chicken areas, i get a chicken headache. My coop and run do not give me a headache. I do use sweet pdz in my coop.
These new birds' poop does give me a headache. Gaaah. It smells like diarrhea. One bird does have diarrhea (hen2) and i figured it was her poop that smelled so awful. But this morning i made a holding pen for them because they're quarantined still. It's a mini tractor, basically.
So i brought the roo and hen1 out to the pen and went back for hen 2. I was getting ready to put her in the pen and i smelled it.
I felt like puking. So instead of putting her in the run, i decided I'd better clean her up. I checked her out, and she seemed fine. I looked in the run and one of the other two had just gone to the bathroom. So i have diarrhea-bird and smelly-bird.
I don't have sweet pdz for their living situation. The store has no stock.
How long does it take for a new diet to make stenches change?
Is worms a probability?
Is there something in particular that i can give them to eat that will improve the smell? Activated Charcoal? Chlorophyll powder? Something.
They seem to have been basically neglected wherever they lived