New Chicks and one has a crooked neck....


5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
I had some chicks hatch out almost a week ago and one of them has a crooked neck. She started out with a crooked neck and a bum leg that stood straight out. But she has since strengthened the leg most of the way and gets around ok. But the neck is in an S shape. She looks over her left shoulder...almost looking backwards. I have observed her and she eats, drinks and seems to be accepted by the other chicks. I have not seen her poop...(but then there are others I haven't seen poop either). has anyone experienced this? So...
1. what would cause a crooked neck?
2. She peeps alot when I move it straight, is it most likely she will stay like this?
3. any idea what her life expectancy would be?

I'm sure some would tell me to put her down that she wouldn't have a quality life, but seeing how she overcame her leg...I want to give her a chance. She doesn't appear in any pain....In fact I had a late bloomer and she seemed to stand guard over her. So I think she has some good qualities. thx julie
Sounds like wry neck. I had a quail that had wry neck and got around fine, he even grew faster then all the other quails cause his head was closer to the ground LOL so he just ate all the time. He did walk in circles allot at first but eventually got better at not doing that as much.

I had a duck with the same issue. If you give her some B and E vitamins, she should bounce right back. Brewers yeast is an easy way to give them some vitamins, just mix it in with the feed.
You can also get "B complex" vitamins from any pharmacy, just crush up a pill or two and mix it with their water. Same thing with Vit E, just break open a capsule and rub a drop on their beak where it opens (don't squirt it directly in their mouth as it is easy to aspirate oil and cause an infection) or you can mix it into a tiny bit of feed and give it to her separately so you know that she eats it.
Also wouldn't hurt to mix some chick vitamins or Polyvisol(sp?) without iron into their water, although I don't know if they have B and E vitamins in them...

Hope this helps!
Phibby is doing great! Her leg seems strong, but she looks backwards most of the time. I have seen her look straight and also turn her head to the right to preen herself. She isn't growing as fast as the others, but she eats, drinks, poops and sleeps just fine. I need to post a pic!
Thx for all your kind help!
She's very cute too!
I have a Buff Orpington that developed exactly the came condition when she was a week old. She eats and drinks fine and gets around okay. I'm just going to let her stay as long as she doesn't seem to suffer.

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