New Chicks Coming


9 Years
Mar 12, 2012
Middle Georgia
I ordered silkies online and they should be coming soon. I'm so nervous that they won't arrive ok. Are they normally ok in the mail? Do they need any special treatment when they get here? I've only ever gotten them from TSC before. Thanks!
Check our raising chicks in our Learning Center. They may be a bit dehydrated. Dip each one's beak in water to help them learn to drink. Watch our for pasty butt, which is when dried poop blocks the vent. If it happens, my method was to hold the chick's bottom under gently running warm water til it soaked off. Takes a few minutes, but it's gentle to the; the poop can be hard to get off, and take feathers (fluff) and skin with it. Keep them warm til they are dry, then put a little Vaseline, vegetable oil, Neosporin or something similar on the butt so if it happens again, the poop will come off more easily. Be sure they have clean water all the time; they will kick shavings into the water; it helps to rise it up on a brick or the like. If they seem to be eating too many pine shavings, cover them with paper towels for 2 or 3 days til they learn where the food is.

Keep them warm, around 90 degrees, but not too warm. You can tell by how they act. See here:
Turns out they didn't have enough chicks to complete my order yet. :-( I have to wait another week or so. I've raised 18 chicks at different times the past couple years. I just didn't know if it was different with mail order chicks. I'm just hoping everyone arrives alive.
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Chicks came! They only had 4 silkies to send, so he added in two marans. Unfortunately, one silkie was doa. The others are healthy, eating, and drinking. They kept peeping and I realized it got a couple degrees too hot, so I adjusted the light. Hope they'll be happy now. They sure are cute.
Lucky! I ordered through Ideal and they called me to cancel my order.. I found some locally for cheaper anyway though after looking around. I'm just worried about the quality (that they are pure breeds). I was also ordering some sebrights so I'm hoping to find them for a good price locally!
I ordered from Rainbow Hatchery. It's a newer, small hatchery. The guy who runs it has been super sweet. I waited a good month just for these guys to come, but he's more than made up for the wait. He says he'll have more silkie hens in the new year for larger hatches. Can't beat $15 for shipping and being able to order small amounts. Lus he's having free shipping in the new year.

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