Tractor supply finally got some chicks and as my roommate conveniently moved out this morning at 7am, I had a free bedroom to hold another brooder
So I went down and got 6 (the minimum, I actually only wanted 5) of the "pullets" (hoping that is true!). The girl thought sexlinks, white rocks and something else.
Someone else on here posted their TSC chicks who were identical who were supposedly australorps, white leghorns and EEs.
The australorp seems correct. White leghorn would be nice
I already have two straight run EEswho are a few weeks old and not friendly at all, so EEs would not be the end of the world if these are pullets and tamer. The australorps are very active and bigger than the others. That works too!
I have an order for a single buff orpington, barred rock and light brahma from my feedstore for end of the month. I should have a nice assortment then!
I love the way they segregrate themselves by breed
Is this an EE? Most i see do not have the speckled heads like these?
Two peas in a pod!
So I went down and got 6 (the minimum, I actually only wanted 5) of the "pullets" (hoping that is true!). The girl thought sexlinks, white rocks and something else.
Someone else on here posted their TSC chicks who were identical who were supposedly australorps, white leghorns and EEs.
The australorp seems correct. White leghorn would be nice
I have an order for a single buff orpington, barred rock and light brahma from my feedstore for end of the month. I should have a nice assortment then!
I love the way they segregrate themselves by breed
Is this an EE? Most i see do not have the speckled heads like these?
Two peas in a pod!