On Sunday the 16th, Jan (sunnychooks here) called to tell me that our day old chicks that she had ordered from MMH had arrived (she actually picked them up from the PO). I was totally surprised since they were scheduled to arrive on Monday the 17th. I and the family took the 1 hour ride to Jackson to pick them up.
A couple of months ago, I had mentioned to Jan that I was planning on ordering a few chicks, but that since the minimums were so high I was having a little problem finding a source to order from. She told me that she was ordering 25 from MMH and that if I wanted to I could include my 15 in her order and that she would order another 10 to make it an even 50.
I ordered 3 JG, 3 white Leghorns, 3 RIR, 3 BR and 3 white rocks.
And here they are. The first 3 pictures are from Sunday and the last one from yesterday.
Thanks to BYC and all of you for the GREAT chicken-tips Ive been reading about for the last few months!
A special THANK YOU to sunnychooks and her DH.
ps.: The chics with the blue heads are the leghorns that MMH "marked" for us.
A couple of months ago, I had mentioned to Jan that I was planning on ordering a few chicks, but that since the minimums were so high I was having a little problem finding a source to order from. She told me that she was ordering 25 from MMH and that if I wanted to I could include my 15 in her order and that she would order another 10 to make it an even 50.
I ordered 3 JG, 3 white Leghorns, 3 RIR, 3 BR and 3 white rocks.
And here they are. The first 3 pictures are from Sunday and the last one from yesterday.

Thanks to BYC and all of you for the GREAT chicken-tips Ive been reading about for the last few months!
A special THANK YOU to sunnychooks and her DH.
ps.: The chics with the blue heads are the leghorns that MMH "marked" for us.
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