New Chicks


11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Montgomery Area
What's it like getting new chicks in the mail? I should be getting mine this afternoon. I have a good brooder set up, but should you do anything special when you take them out of the box? Thanks
I would make sure to dip their beaks in the water and that they know where the food is. As with any day old chick, I always spread the feed on the papertowels first and they usually get the idea so by the time I take the towels out a few days later they are eating out of the food dish.
That is what we did with our new chicks. We have had them for 2 weeks now and the are a blast. A couple of them are trying to fly.

16 comets,1leghorn,1partiage rk,1wh.rk,1 wyndotte,1cochin, 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1cockital, 1 parakeet, 2 teenagers
We are wanting to get Buff Orpintons. I am curriuos, where did you find that you can still order day old chicks? Everywhere I have looked is out.

How fun! I am a little envious:jumpy;)
Okcin I bought them online at Meyers. Unfortunately they don't have Buff Orps. I was able to get Barred Rocks, Black Australorp, Gold Campine, and Light Brown Leghorns.
Thanks! I will check them out.
Yes. They arrived safe and sound. A lady at the main post office called me when she saw there were live chicks in the box. So I got them in one day, which is quick considering they sent them from Ohio and I live in Alabama. They've been eating and drinking and napping since I put them in the brooder. I'm experimenting with different wattages of lightbulbs. The 100 watt is too hot, but at least they can move to the other side of the brooder. The 60 watt isn't hot enough. I'll probably go get a 90 watt flood lamp later. That should be just right.
I'm debating wether or not to get a batch this year...Privett hatchery still has quite a few types...i was going to get Amercanas, Black frizzle cochin bantams and silver sebrights...they have all of them week of the 29th...can i wait until spring??? maybe

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