New coop construction under way! - Update #3 - 04/06/2010


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 8, 2010
Rougemont, NC
So this past weekend we finally started the construction on our very first chicken coop!

Pics and writeup are on my BYC blog page:

plan right now is to have a 6'3" by 6'3" square coop built and ready to house our 8 chickens from MPC that should show up the week of April 19th!

So far all I have is the four 4x4 posts cemented in the ground, but by next weekend I will have the floor platform built, and go up from there.

Stay tuned for more exciting construction updates in the coming weeks!

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It only took a few weeks of rain, and busy weekends, but we finally made more progress on the coop.


Vinyl flooring cut to fit and glued down on the floor platform, and one wall up. The vinyl is UNDER the the walls and glued down, so we should never have any problems with it coming up.


Three walls up, and it was lunch time.


All four walls up and the roof rafters in place.


OSB installed on the roof, and the 2x6 boards screwed under the overhang of the OSB roof.


Left side of the coop, you can see the window on the other side. We have two windows to go in the coop, both are double hung, double pane glass windows with screen. The two openings on the left side are for a window on the left, and door on the right. We have a solid wood door to cut and install on the coop as soon as the siding is up.


Front side of the coop, ignore our ridiculous german shepherd trying to catch and eat bees in the picture and focus on the coop!


Metal drip edge installed, 30# roofing felt, and shingles up on the roof!


Looking at the back of the roof, the top is 8' x 8', at a 3/12 slope


Looking at the right side of the coop and the metal drip edge.

We still have to frame out the nest boxes, and the pop door before putting siding on. I plan on screening over the spaces between the rafters as ventilation, and screen over the windows with hardware cloth on the outside so that I can open the windows and keep the chickens safe from predators.

Today's project is to install the second window, and some of the siding hopefully.

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