New (currently quarantined) Chick Ceacal Poop?


8 Years
Nov 15, 2013

I have two new chicks that are a little over 3 weeks into their quarantine. One's been having some orange-ish poop, which I believe is ceacal. I've never noticed this color poop from the chickens I've had, and since these are new chicks I want to make sure I'm not bringing anything into my existing flock. Would hate to have spent time separating them just to bring something in in the end. I'm sure it's fine, she's acting completely normal otherwise, but just wanted to double-check.

Had one more question. I keep seeing them scratching their heads. Not a lot, but enough that I've noticed it. Could just be because I'm watching them more than the other chickens, who knows. Should I be concerned for fleas? Do chickens normally scratch their heads?



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I am not sure about the poop, I think that may be normal because my chicks do them as well. But if your chicks are scratching check over them for mites or lice because they can get quite irritated with them making them scratch. If you see mites and lice you will need to treat that before putting them into the flock because the rest of your flock will get them as well.
Okay thanks. I checked them tonight, and I didn't see any mites. I also don't think I saw any lice, but I'm not sure. I think I'm going to check again tomorrow after looking at some more pictures of what lice eggs look. I did not see anything moving, but there's a possibility I saw eggs. Their feathers are coming in though, and I feel like when that's happening (or when molting) there's some white material that comes off from somewhere, and maybe this is what I'm seeing. Well see what happens tomorrow...
You're doing the right thing by quarantining your newly acquired birds. How old are they?
They might be in molt and you're seeing shed feather sheaths/dander. It's irritating to chickens and they scratch often while in molt.
Check their vent area for external parasites where it's warm and moist. Lice eggs will be attached to feather shafts.
BTW: The poop in the pic is cecal poop and is normal looking.:)
They're between 3-4 months. When I looked at them last night I could see their new feathers growing in, still pushing up through the tubes (sorry, don't know the technical name). I think there is dander, cause it looked the same as when my other girls have molted. That made it a little difficult to tell what exactly I was looking at. I'm going to check again tomorrow morning, and will definitely use a magnifier, great idea!
Lice eggs would look similar to the photo you posted. Here's a good article with photos that may help you

If you have photos of your pullets, we will be happy to take a look. At 3-4 months they are likely still going through a juvenile molt. They can be itchy during this time.
Thanks for the response. I'm starting to think that it may just be that they're molting and that's why I'm seeing them scratch. I didn't see anything similar to the picture i posted, or the ones in the link, on my girls when I looked at them. I'll double-check tomorrow. Hopefully they'll look fine and I can introduce them to the flock this weekend.
I went through the same thing just several months ago with my new birds. Like you, I was picking them up inspecting them for external parasites more than once lol. Meanwhile there's dander and feather sheaths laying around all over the place, especially in the coop, alot of scratching too. There's nothing wrong in picking them up and inspecting them whenever you feel like it, that's for sure. :cool:

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